extrapolation|extrapolations in English


act of guessing or inferring

Use "extrapolation|extrapolations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extrapolation|extrapolations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extrapolation|extrapolations", or refer to the context using the word "extrapolation|extrapolations" in the English Dictionary.

1. This kind extrapolation is worth deliberate.

2. Her detective method is extrapolation.

3. In itself, such extrapolation is hardly fatal.

4. Their lattice parameters were computed by extrapolation method.

5. This is a quite extraordinary extrapolation from experience.

6. Aitken Extrapolation algorithm use Aitken transform to reduce iterations.

7. A stochastic part of the quotient is derived by extrapolation.


9. Rather, speculation, conflicts, and theoretical extrapolation typify their every action.

10. The sources of extrapolation theory, like those of evolutionary theory generally, are numerous.

11. Providing one sticks to primates there is much scope for successful extrapolation.

12. The paper particularly introduces the effect of background counting on the reciprocal extrapolation method.

13. We come back here, of course, to the question of extrapolation which I mentioned earlier.

14. On the basis of Römkens' figures and the absolute numbers in # an extrapolation was made

15. The extrapolation procedure shall distinguish between the calculations for actual and for imputed rentals

16. This paper presents an extrapolation formula that considers the move acceleration of typhoon centre.

17. Also, under changing climatic conditions good adaptation and extrapolation of experimental data are still possible.

18. Title Year Keywords; Cumulative Risk Assessment Lessons Learned: A Review of Case Studies and Issue Papers: 2015: Case Studies, Human Health: Guidance for Applying Quantitative Data to Develop Data-Derived Extrapolation Factors for Interspecies and Intraspecies Extrapolation

19. For the problem of image enhancement, an improved nonlinear extrapolation method in frequency space is proposed.

20. On the basis of Römkens’ figures and the absolute numbers in 1996, an extrapolation was made.

21. This extrapolation could be customized features could be changed and added or subtracted hence the term.

22. By extrapolation, it is suggested that a person may harness this unused potential and increase intelligence.

23. Arguments such as Younge's are apparently intended to forestall any extrapolation to racial differences in intelligence.

24. A few astronomers have raised doubts about this extrapolation from ordinary galaxies to all extragalactic objects.

25. This negative knowledge could be valuable. extrapolation 104 Here the forecast extends the present trends into the future.